Jumat, 18 November 2011

Lionel Andrés Messi grafik karier dan perjalanan hidup prestasi. baloon de' oor dan gambar video lengkap

Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi [3] (lahir 24 Juni 1987) adalah pemain sepak bola Argentina yang bermain untuk FC Barcelona dan kapten tim nasional Argentina, terutama sebagai striker. Messi menerima beberapa Ballon d'Or dan Pemain Terbaik Dunia FIFA Tahun nominasi pada usia 21, dan menang pada tahun 2009 [4] [5] [6] [7] dan 2010 [8]. Gaya bermain dan kemampuannya telah menarik perbandingan dengan Diego Maradona, yang sendiri menyatakan Messi sebagai nya "penggantinya." [9] [10]

Messi mulai bermain sepakbola pada usia muda dan keterampilan dan potensi segera direalisasikan oleh Barcelona. Dia meninggalkan tim muda Old Boys Rosario berbasis Newell yang pada tahun 2000 dan pindah bersama keluarganya ke Eropa, seperti Barcelona menawarkan pengobatan untuk kekurangan hormon pertumbuhan nya. Membuat debutnya di musim 2004-05, dia memecahkan rekor timnya untuk pesepakbola termuda yang mencetak gol liga. Mayor kehormatan segera diikuti ketika Barcelona memenangkan La Liga di musim debutnya Messi, dan memenangkan ganda liga dan Liga Champions pada tahun 2006. Musim terobosan Nya di musim 2006-07, ia menjadi tim pertama biasa, mencetak hat-trick di El Clásico dan finishing dengan 14 gol dalam 26 pertandingan liga. Messi kemudian memiliki musim yang paling sukses dalam karirnya bermain, musim 2008-09, di mana ia mencetak 38 gol untuk memainkan bagian integral dalam kampanye treble-menang. Musim ini memecahkan rekor kemudian dikalahkan dalam kampanye 2009-10 berikut, di mana Messi mencetak 47 gol di semua kompetisi, menyamai total rekor Ronaldo untuk Barcelona. Ia melampaui rekor ini lagi di musim 2010-11 dengan 53 gol di semua kompetisi.

Messi telah memenangkan lima gelar La Liga, tiga gelar Liga Champions, mencetak gol di final dua orang, melawan Manchester United di kedua 2009 dan 2011. Dia tidak ada di lapangan saat Barcelona mengalahkan Arsenal di tahun 2006, tetapi menerima medali pemenang dari turnamen. Setelah mencetak 12 gol di Liga Champions 2010-11, Messi hanya menjadi pemain ketiga (setelah Gerd Muller dan Jean-Pierre Papin) ke atas-skor dalam kampanye Piala Juara Klub tiga berturut-turut Eropa '. Namun, Messi adalah yang pertama untuk memenangkan gelar Liga Champions pencetak gol terbanyak selama tiga tahun berturut-turut setelah mengubah format Liga Champions pada 1992. [11]

Messi adalah pencetak gol terbanyak Dunia FIFA 2005 Youth Championship dengan enam gol, termasuk dua dalam pertandingan final. Tak lama kemudian, ia menjadi anggota tim senior mapan internasional Argentina. Pada tahun 2006, ia menjadi termuda Argentina untuk bermain di Piala Dunia FIFA dan dia memenangkan medali runner-up di turnamen Copa América tahun berikutnya. Pada tahun 2008, di Beijing, ia memenangkan kehormatan internasional pertamanya, medali emas Olimpiade, dengan tim Olimpiade Argentina sepak bola. Pada tingkat internasional Messi telah mencetak 19 gol dalam 66 pertandingan

Messi lahir di Rosario, Santa Fe, untuk orang tua Jorge Horacio Messi, seorang pekerja pabrik baja, dan Celia María Cuccittini, pembersih paruh waktu [12] [13]. [14] [15] keluarga ayah-Nya berasal dari Italia kota Ancona, dari mana leluhurnya, Angelo Messi, beremigrasi ke Argentina pada tahun 1883 [16]. [17] Ia memiliki dua saudara tua bernama Rodrigo dan Matías serta saudara perempuan bernama María Sol [18]. Pada usia lima , Messi mulai bermain sepak bola untuk Grandoli, sebuah klub lokal dilatih oleh ayahnya Jorge [19] Pada tahun 1995, Messi pindah ke Old Boys Newell itu yang berbasis di rumahnya kota Rosario.. [19] Pada usia 11, dia didiagnosis dengan kekurangan hormon pertumbuhan [20]. The River Plate tradisional menunjukkan minat dalam kemajuan Messi, tapi tidak punya cukup uang untuk membayar pengobatan untuk kondisinya yang biaya $ 900 per bulan. [15] Carles Rexach, direktur olahraga dari FC Barcelona , telah dibuat menyadari bakatnya sebagai Messi punya kerabat di Lleida, Catalonia, dan Messi dan ayahnya mampu mengatur percobaan [15]. Rexach, dengan ada kertas lain di tangan, Messi menawarkan kontrak tertulis pada serbet kertas [21]. [22] Barcelona ditawarkan untuk membayar tagihan medis Messi jika ia bersedia pindah ke Spanyol. Messi dan ayahnya pindah ke Barcelona di mana Messi terdaftar di akademi pemuda klub [19]. [22]
Klub karir

Messi bermain di Barcelona junior Infantil B dan Cadete B & A tim 2000-2003 (mencetak 37 gol dalam 30 pertandingan di Cadete A). Musim 2003-04 melihatnya dalam catatan [23] lima tim berbeda: Dia mulai satu laga di Juvenil B (1 gol) dan mendapat dipromosikan ke Juvenil A (14 pertandingan, 21 gol). Kemudian ia memulai debutnya untuk tim FC Barcelona C (Tercera División) pada tanggal 29 November 2003 dan untuk FC Barcelona B (Segunda División B) pada tanggal 6 Maret 2004. Ia bermain untuk kedua tim selama musim (8 pertandingan, 5 gol dan 5 game, 0 gol, masing-masing). [24] [25] [26] Bahkan sebelum dua debut, Messi membuat debut resminya untuk tim pertama pada 16 November 2003 berusia 16 tahun dan 145 hari, dalam pertandingan persahabatan melawan Porto [27]. [28]

Kurang dari setahun kemudian, Frank Rijkaard biarkan dia membuat debut liga melawan RCD Espanyol pada 16 Oktober 2004 (pada usia 17 tahun dan 114 hari), menjadi pemain termuda ketiga yang pernah bermain untuk Barcelona dan klub pemain termuda yang bermain di La Liga . Catatan ini dipecahkan oleh Bojan Krkic pada September 2007. Ketika dia mencetak gol pertamanya untuk tim senior bagi klub melawan Albacete Balompié pada 1 Mei 2005, Messi 17 tahun, sepuluh bulan dan tujuh hari tua, menjadi yang termuda yang pernah mencetak gol di pertandingan La Liga untuk Barcelona [29] sampai kembali rusak oleh Bojan Krkic pada 2007, mencetak gol dari Messi membantu [30] Messi mengatakan tentang mantan-pelatih Rijkaard:. "Saya tidak akan pernah melupakan fakta bahwa ia meluncurkan karier saya, bahwa dia memiliki keyakinan dalam diriku saat aku hanya enam belas atau tujuh belas. "[31] Messi dimainkan juga di Barcelona B selama musim. Messi adalah pencetak gol kedua Barcelona tertinggi melebihi 194 László Kubala pada tujuan dan sekarang hanya berada di belakang Rodríguez Álvarez César pada 235 gol di semua kompetisi resmi. [32]
Musim 2005-06

"Para Maradona dan polemik Pelé akan berakhir"
-Diego Maradona, pada konsekuensi jika Messi memenangkan Piala Dunia 2010 [33]

Pada tanggal 16 September, untuk kedua kalinya dalam tiga bulan, Barcelona mengumumkan update untuk kontrak Messi, kali ini diperbaiki untuk membayar sebagai anggota tim pertama dan diperpanjang sampai Juni 2014 [19] Messi diperoleh kewarganegaraan Spanyol pada tanggal 26 September 2005. [34] dan akhirnya mampu membuat debutnya di Divisi Utama Spanyol musim. Pertama rumah Messi tamasya di Liga Champions datang pada tanggal 27 September melawan klub Italia Udinese [27] Fans di stadion Barcelona, ​​Nou Camp, memberikan Messi berdiri dan bertepuk tangan pada substitusi, sebagai ketenangannya pada bola dan melewati kombinasi dengan Ronaldinho sudah. membayar dividen untuk Barcelona. [35]

Messi mencetak enam gol dalam 17 penampilan liga, dan mencetak satu gol di Liga Champions enam. Musim berakhir sebelum waktunya pada tanggal 7 Maret 2006, bagaimanapun, ketika ia mengalami sobek otot di paha kanannya pada leg kedua pertandingan Liga Champions putaran kedua melawan Chelsea [36]. Rijkaard Barcelona mengakhiri musim sebagai juara Spanyol dan Eropa.

Selasa, 15 November 2011

grunge history dan cuplikan video band - band beraliran grunge indonesi

Artikel ini adalah tentang genre musik. Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Grunge (disambiguasi).
Gaya asal-usul batu Alternatif, hardcore punk, heavy metal, indie batu
Budaya asal Mid-1980, Washington
Khas instrumen listrik gitar, bass gitar, drum, vokal
Mainstream tinggi selama awal pertengahan 1990-an popularitas; namun keberadaannya rendah sejak saat itu.
Derivatif Post-grunge bentuk
daerah adegan
dari topik
Timeline dari rock alternatif - Generasi X

Grunge (kadang-kadang disebut sebagai suara Seattle) adalah sebuah subgenre dari rock alternatif yang muncul selama pertengahan 1980-an di negara Amerika Washington, terutama di daerah Seattle. Terinspirasi oleh hardcore punk, logam berat, dan indie grunge batuan umumnya ditandai dengan gitar listrik sangat rusak, kontras dinamika lagu, dan apatis atau kecemasan-diisi lirik. Estetika grunge adalah dilucuti-down dibandingkan dengan bentuk lain dari musik rock, dan musisi grunge banyak dicatat untuk penampilan terawat dan penolakan sandiwara.

Gerakan awal grunge bersatu sekitar Pop label rekaman independen Sub Seattle pada akhir 1980-an. Grunge menjadi sukses secara komersial pada paruh pertama 1990-an, terutama karena pelepasan Nirvana Nevermind dan Pearl Jam Sepuluh. Keberhasilan band-band ini mendorong popularitas rock alternatif dan membuat grunge bentuk yang paling populer musik hard rock pada saat itu [1]. Namun, banyak band-band grunge tidak nyaman dengan popularitas ini. Meskipun sebagian besar band-band grunge telah bubar atau pudar dari pandangan oleh akhir 1990-an, pengaruh mereka terus mempengaruhi musik Coba anda saksikan video demo dan album dari band -band grunge Indonesia.....!!!!!!! dan saya yakin anda akan terkesan.

Minggu, 13 November 2011


At first Pananjung Pangandaran Village was opened and occupied by the fishermen of the tribe of Sunda. Cause migrants prefer Pangandaran area to the residence because of the small waves that make it easy to find fish. Because in this Pangandaran Beach there is a land that juts into the sea which is now a nature reserve or protected forest, this promontory which inhibit or prevent a huge wave to get to the beach. This is where the fishermen to make a place to store boats in Sundanese called andar after a while many flock to this place and settled to become a village called Pangandaran. Pangandaran derived from two words food and consciousness. which means that food is food and consciousness are immigrants. So Pangandaran means a food source arrivals.

Then the elders of the village name Pananjung earlier, because according to the elders of the area earlier in addition there is a headland in many areas even this once-sacred are sacred in some places. Pananjung meaning in language-nanjungna Pangnanjung Sundanese (most fertile or most affluent)

At first Pananjung is one of the central kingdom, contemporaneous with Galuh Pangauban kingdom centered in Putrapinggan around the XIV century AD after the advent of the kingdom Pakuan Pajajaran in Bogor. The name of the king is King Anggalarang one version says that he was descendant of King Haur Yellow, the first king of the kingdom Galuh Pagauban, but unfortunately it was destroyed Pananjung kingdom was attacked by the Bajo (Pirate) because the kingdom is not willing to sell hail the earth to them, because at that situation people are in a state of famine (crop failure).

In 1922 the Dutch colonial era by Y. Everen (President Priangan) Pananjung be a new park, at the time of releasing a bull male, three female cows and some deer.

Because it has a diversity of wildlife and species - rare plant species, their habitats so that continuity can be maintained then in 1934 made Pananjung nature and wildlife sanctuary with an area of ​​530 Ha. In 1961 after the discovery of Raflesia lotus flower turns into the nature reserve status.

With the rise of public relations will be a place of recreation then in 1978 most of the region covering 37, 70 Ha Park used. In 1990 the region was confirmed also in the surrounding waters as a marine nature reserve (470.0 hectares) so that the broad nature conservation area entirely to 1000.0 ha. Subsequent developments, according to Minister of Forestry Decree No. 104? Kpts-II? 1993 TWA travel concession Pananjung Pangandaran transferred from the Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation to the supervision Perhutanioffice Perhutanioffice Unit III West Java, Unity Pemangkuan Ciamis Forest, the Forest Kemangkuan Pangandaran.

tourism, travel, natural beauty of Bali and Indonesia in addition to the beauty of waterfalls in Ciamis sibolang

See the beauty of nature and marine tourism, natural charm Indonesia and especially
eco-tourism Ciamis ...!!!!!!!!!! if you like the streets (travel) to find the natural beauty of Indonesia came into Ciamis District .....

Another name of the waterfall is a waterfall Cibolang Seven. Consistent with the name of this waterfall has 7 (seven) pieces waterfall (waterfall) are scattered and located not far apart. Even the waterfall 4 and 5 lying side by side separated by only about 2 feet away, and thus to be able to enjoy the beauty and the beauty of the seven waterfalls, is a way round the hill, up the path starting from the foot to the top of the hill and back again.

Each has the name of this waterfall, waterfall One, waterfall Two, Three waterfall, waterfall Cibolang, Cimantaja waterfall, waterfall and waterfall Cibuluh Cileutik. All seven of this waterfall pouring water into the river and Cimantaja Cibolang.

This waterfall is in Wana Region Waterfall Tour Seven at RPH Panjalu BKPH Ciamis Ciamis KPH, with an area of ​​about 40 ha, surrounded by the Mount Ciparang and Cibolang at the foot of Mount Sawal. This area is located at an altitude between 800-900 m above sea level with temperatures ranging from 17-18C.

The existence of this waterfall has the advantage when compared to most other waterfalls in general, because waterfall is never subsided even in the dry season, and running water contains sulfur element believed to cure several diseases.


The source water of this waterfall comes Cimantaja water which, according to the myth that cimantaja which means king tears. It is said that there is a lady of yore ruler or king who at one time was very concerned for the state diwilayahnya due to drought. No water and dry land, so that people afflicted with misery prolonged. The king then meditate to invoke the rain descended so that the situation of his country recover as usual. But his efforts were not received an answer from pernguasa nature. Fruitless because the king's heart was sad and sadness that makes the king cry. That's when the magic happens, king tears continue to fall slowly turned into a puddle of clear water and the larger it grows to form a stream of water that eventually split and fell in seven of the cliff. Thanks to the waterfall the water situation was again prosperous country.

Curug Cibolang

After buying a ticket and enter the door at the gate will direct encounter rocky uphill trail to the shape of stairs. The slope of this road reaches almost 45 degrees. At the end of this ladder will be encountered percaangan street signage locations Cibolang waterfall is located. For the waterfall one and five to the right while the waterfall six and seven to the left.
We start from the first waterfall, from where the directions we'd have to walk back about 5 minutes distance to be traveled between the waterfall to one another, except for one & two and waterfall waterfall waterfall four & five because of its location adjacent. First waterfall is the largest waterfall with a height of nearly 120 meters with a width of about 15-20 feet and her left side there is a flat cliff, while the two are below the waterfall location but in my opinion anyway too plasticity ga-2 of this waterfall.

To go further we must pass waterfall waterfall would be willing ga we would feel the waterfall and fresh water for those who want a bath or a massage by the falling water can be too. And it has been said in one of this waterfall there are who have property to cure various skin diseases. "Because the waterfall flowing from the crater of Mount Sawal known to contain sulfur.

Next we will visit the waterfall of three to five. Two of the first waterfall we will see next is a four waterfall (waterfall cibolang), loh why thirds dilewat waterfall? Not dilewat hell but Because it is the position of the waterfall lined curugnya three to five and three positions waterfall is located above the waterfall four, while five are below the waterfall like a waterfall waterfall four one & two, which are located close together.

The fourth waterfall (waterfall Cibolang) has a height of about 30-50 meters with a width of approximately 5 m, but the character is this waterfall although the level of short-story. Furthermore, the fifth waterfall or waterfall Cimantaja, located below the fourth waterfall, called that supposedly comes from the words he said Cimata King or King tear, similar to its position under the second waterfall and not visible.

Next to the third waterfall, located on the fourth waterfall, with a slightly uphill road conditions. In this waterfall waterfall condition similar to the fourth, but the difference here there are many rocks and thick trees, but it is often seen a rainbow at this waterfall.

Furthermore, the sixth waterfall (waterfall Cileutik) and seventh (waterfall Cibuluh) has a height not too high, only about 30 m only. For road conditions to get there very slippery and quite dangerous, it is advisable to not go there if less experienced. After traveling a few minutes down the path came in the sixth waterfall shaped like the letter S. The location of the waterfall under the waterfall seventh sixth. In this seventh waterfall there is a small pool measuring 3 m semicircular with greenish water.

Not far from the sixth and seventh waterfall there are tourist sites of Stone Railway. So called because it forms a large stone like railroad cars and lined up as many as 12 pieces backward. Unfortunately, to reach this location is quite difficult because the road conditions are still a red ground and must be guided by local residents because it is isolated.

Located in Kampung Nanggela, Sandingtaman Village, District Panjalu, Ciamis regency, West Java Province.

Located approximately 35 miles north of the city Ciamis or 5 km from the district Panjalu. Ecotourism can be reached from the west of the district or the city of Bandung Panjalu through Malangbong, Ciawi and Rajapolah. While from the east of the district through the district Kawali Ciamis. The road condition is generally paved and can be passed by a four-wheeled vehicles and two wheel either public or private vehicles.

If leaving from the west (the direction of Bandung) after passing through the district Ciawi will be encountered where the road branching left into the town of Tasikmalaya, while the direction of the straight (past the over pass) heading into the city, hereinafter Rajapolah Ciamis. Arriving in the barrel, about five minutes of divergence before, take the T-junction turn left at gas station to get to Panjalu Gentong.

Just follow this road, known as highway Panjalu - Kawali, past Situ Panjalu,

When we came from Bandung direction we can take the path towards Limbangan exactly take the left when you meet a crossroads in the area Nagrek, through the barrel and turn left about five minutes from the gas station to get to the Panjalu Gentong or known highway Panjalu - Kawali. The road here is fine except that we must be careful because sometimes the two-wheeled vehicles like suddenly appeared. Passing through the square Panjalu, and we must turn to the village of Kampung Cipicung sandingtaman up to Kampung Nanggela.

After arriving in the village will be found Sandingtaman signpost towards the direction of this waterfall, located on the right if the direction Panjalu or Bandung. Go to the village of Kampung Cipicung Sandingtaman forwarded to the Village Nenggala trip up to the gate area Cibolang waterfall. The distance to the door is about 20 minutes or less over 10 miles of major highways. Condition of paved roads to this area and is quite good, but winding and uphill. The difficulty occurs when when passing another transport from the opposite direction, this is because the road is quite narrow with a width of about only 3 m.

For those who use public transportation can ride from the terminal-Panjalu Kawali Ciamis majors, or directly from Bandung via Panjalu Ciamis majors. Existing public transport is a type of elf and only reached the main highway. To get to the gate area, perjlanan forwarded by using motorcycle taxis are widely available at the fork in the road into the village Sandingtaman.

Tickets and Parking

Entrance fee is Rp 3500/orang. Parking fee of Rp 2000 for two-wheeled vehicle and Rp 3000 to Rp 5000.
Accommodation and Facilities

Types of facilities available include ticket booth, signage, guard station, parking, public toilets, benches, information centers, bins, paths, praying, camping grounds of approximately 2 ha, shelter and campfire area.